
The OnlyChimps Validator Family

Validator Moniker: OnlyChimps 🐒

Validator Address: crocncl12rmv9jgt2c5czkfwewgtm6wsx0cun2azvhv604

Validator Moniker: Jolly Roger 🏴‍☠️

Validator Address: crocncl1lmmz8s790d8q284tukp0wtnaqy7m09aefj2ug3

Validator Moniker: Mad Hatter 🎩

Validator Address: crocncl1l9jle9742s2cqs2sn3y2lsj5fy7ttle5963vdw

Validator Moniker: Neverland

Validator Address: crocncl1p2d6n5f2k09w7kplqh5la437uw3nrhha2zptv6

Commission: 5%

Our services

High Reliability

Dedicated servers hosted in world-class data centers ensuring over 99% uptime


Validator node is not exposed on the network, being protected behind multiple sentry nodes to shield again DDoS atacks

Low Fees

5% commission! We have no plans to increase our commission, and on most of our validators are unable to even do so.

Self Delegation

We delegate to our validator ourselves. We trust in the quality of the service that we are providing. We believe in the Cronos chain!

Long Term Holders

We are long term investors from the Monaco ICO, and Obsidian card level founding members.

Chimp Powered

Chimpin' ain't easy! NFTs on the Cronos chain have been instrumental in forming tight knit communities of like minded individuals.

How Do I Stake?

Staking to our validator is performed using the Crypto.com Defi Wallet, which is available on PC, Mac, iPhone, and Android.

This is simple to do, but can be confusing when doing it for the first time. If you are having any issues join us on discord so we can help you out!

Frequently asked questions

In staking, you lock up a cryptocurrency that you own in a smart contract. This is called “delegating” your token to a validator. You are not actually giving your coins away, but rather lending their power to the validator to be able to approve transactions on the chain. In return, the chain rewards you with a reward for staking. You never lose access to your coins.

There are fees associated with running a server and multiple sentry nodes, however we have decided to limit to costs to staking to our validators. We charge the minimum possible commission that is required by the chain.

We are committed to keeping fees low. On the majority of our validators we are unable to raise the commission beyond the 5% commission which is mandated by the chain.

When you choose to delegate your tokens to a validator, you can decide to delegate to another validator at any time. However, there is a 28 day waiting period if you decide you want to unbond from a validator in order to withdraw your tokens. This delay is determined by the chain and acts as a way of ensuring network safety.

We are here to help! Staking is straightforward, but can feel intimidating when doing it for the first time. Reach out to us on Discord and we would be happy to help!

2023 All rights reserved 2023

OnlyChimps.co is an independent entity operating on the Crypto.org Blockchain. We are not affiliated to Crypto.com, Crypto.org, or any partner thereof.

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